About the Contributors

Jonathan Bernstein

Jonathan Bernstein is a San Francisco native and political observer and satirist. He is a life-long student of European languages and literatures. Above all, he loves the expression of the absurd in everyday life.

As a boy, Jonathan read Richard Scarry and wondered why, except for the cover, adult books have no pictures and so many thin pages. Election Day is written to correct this. As elections bring out the inner baby in us all, a fourteen page board book is the perfect format for long-form political satire.

Ecko Nesbit

Ecko Nesbit is a writer, artist and computer geek who lives in New York City. Nesbit is an animal lover extraordinaire and was once responsible managing nourishment for the city's elephant population. Instinctually creative, Nesbit is deeply attracted to the aesthetics of utopia, dystopia, and the interplay of these two temperaments. 

Natalia Berezina

Natalia Berezina ​​​​​​​was born in Novosibirsk, Russia, where winters are long and summers buzzy with mosquitoes.

Today Natalia lives in Ljubljana, Slovenia, where she received her bachelor's and master's degrees at AVA Academy of Visual Arts. Natalia has a special love for magical and naive themes. She has illustrated over 40 books, mainly for children. Visit her site >

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